Что отвечать в автошколе в SAMP?
В АвтоШколу (АШ) в SAMP игроки приходят, чтобы получить лицензии (на управление каким-либо видом транспорта, на владение оружием, на рыбалку, на бизнес). Новички первым делом на сервере идут получать водительские права (то есть лицензию на управление машиной). Обычно сдача на права стоит 500$. Но чем выше ваш игровой уровень, тем дороже для Вас это будет стоить. Однако для новичков часто есть скидки. Например, при выполнении квестов на Самп-Рп, вам будет предложено бесплатно пройти этот тест. Также лицензию можно купить у инструктора.
Если никого из инструкторов нет, то Вам придётся сдавать экзамен в автоматическом режиме. Для этого встаньте на красный пикап, и Ваш тест начнётся. После этого нужно пройти к машине и проехать по городу, не повреждая при этом машину. Если машина будет повреждена, то Вы провалите экзамен по вождению и Вам придётся проходить его заново. В вечерние часы пик игроков очень много, следовательно на дорогах полно неадекватов, которые будут Вам мешать, поэтому легче всего сдать ночью или утром, когда онлайн на сервере поменьше.
Посмотреть какие на сервере действуют правила дорожного движения можно командой /pdd. Прочитав и запомнив их, Вы сможете правильно ответить на все вопросы теста.
Такие вопросы можно встретить на Samp Rp, Advance, Diamond, Evolve, Arizona, Trinity, Grand, Absolute, Amazing и Radmir RP.
Ответы на вопросы теста в АШ
- По какой стороне дороги разрешен обгон других ТС? — По левой
- По какой стороне дороге осуществляется движение ТС? — По правой
- С какой максимальной скоростью разрешено движение в населенных пунктах? — 50 км/ч
- Максимальная скорость движения за городом? — 150 км/ч (либо нет ограничений)
- Что необходимо сделать при ДТП? — Вызвать сотрудников полиции (ДПС)
- На какой стороне дороги разрешена остановка? — На правой
- Что необходимо сделать при повороте? — Пропустить пешеходов
- Что нужно сделать при тумане? — Снизить скорость и включить фары
- Что обязан сделать водитель, при виде ТС со включенным спец. сигналом (сиреной)? — Снизить скорость и прижаться к обочине.
- Что следует делать при возникновении ДТП в первую очередь? — Оставаться на месте и вызвать сотрудников полиции.
Ответы в автошколе для Advance-Rp:
- Клавиша фар? – Левый Alt.
- Ограничение по городу? – 50.
- Как заправиться? – Num 2.
- Как включить двигатель? – Левый Ctrl.
- Fuel 45? – В бензобаке 45 бензина.
- Уменьшить расход? – Выключить двигатель.
- Открыть/закрыть дом. машину? – Правый Ctrl.
- Полный бензобак? – 50 минут.
- Ограничитель? – Num 4.
- E? – Мало бензина.
- Сирена? – Нет правильного.
Ответы в автошколе для Arizona-RP:
- Максимальная скорость в городе? — 60 км/ч.
- Разрешена ли парковка на тротуаре? — Только в экстренных ситуациях.
- Что нужно делать при тумане? — Снизить скорость и включить фары.
- Максимальная скорость вне города? — 120 км/ч.
Правила дорожного движения (ПДД) на Samp-Rp:
Скорость движения
> Максимально разрешенная скорость движения в жилых зонах — 20 км/ч;
> Максимально разрешенная скорость движения в городе — 50 км/ч;
> Максимально разрешенная скорость движения за городом — без ограничений.
Парковка и стоянка транспортных средств
> Стоянка и парковка наземных безрельсовых транспортных средств разрешается на правой стороне дороги — обочине;
> В случае аварийной остановки следует толкать транспортное средство до обочины
> Стоянка и парковка запрещена на трамвайных путях, железнодорожных переездах, в тоннелях, а так же на мостах, эстакадах и путепроводах.
> Запрещено осуществлять обгон транспортных средств в населенных пунктах;
> Обгон разрешен по встречной полосе, но при условиях, что на данной полосе не движутся транспортные средства и дорога двухполосная;
> Обгон запрещается в тоннелях, на мостах, железнодорожных переездах, эстакадах, путепроводах;
> Обгон запрещается также на перекрестке, опасных поворотах и участках с ограниченной зоной видимости.
> Обгон запрещается в тоннелях, на мостах, железнодорожных переездах, эстакадах, путепроводах;
> Обгон запрещается также на перекрестке, опасных поворотах и участках с ограниченной зоной видимости.
> Опережение разрешается как с правой стороны, так и с левой;
> Опережение справа проходит без выезда на обочину или тротуар;
> Опережение слева проходит без выезда на встречную полосу движения;
> Опережение запрещается на эстакадах, железнодорожных переездах, перекрестках и в тоннелях;
Обязанности водителя
> Иметь при себе паспорт, документы на автомобиль и водительские права;
> Иметь при себе страховой полис личного транспортного средства или ее копию;
> В багажнике транспортного средства иметь аптечку первой помощи, в которой обязан быть адреналин;
> Убедиться в исправности транспортного средства;
> Останавливаться по требованию сотрудника полиции или ФБР;
> В случае ДТП — вызывать полицию и скорую помощь;
> За рулем находиться исключительно в трезвом виде;
> Перед началом движения включить фары (/clist 1-33).
Запреты участников дорожного движения
> Водителю запрещается:
— Ездить по газонам, тротуарам, железнодорожным путям;
— Останавливаться на проезжей части;
— Ездить за рулем транспортного средства в наркотическом или алкогольном опьянении;
— Ездить за рулем транспортного средства с переломами, сильными ушибами или пулевыми ранениями;
— Не останавливаться по требованию сотрудника полиции или ФБР;
— Игнорировать специальные сигналы сотрудников гос. организаций;
алкогольном опьянении;
— Ездить за рулем транспортного средства с переломами, сильными ушибами или пулевыми ранениями;
— Не останавливаться по требованию сотрудника полиции или ФБР;
— Давить, наезжать транспортным средством на пешеходов;
— Ездить по встречной полосе движения;
— Парковаться в неположенном месте.
> Пешеходу запрещается:
— Выходить на проезжую часть, не убедившись в отсутствии опасности для себя и других участников движения;
— Ходить по проезжей части;
— Каким-либо образом мешать водителям транспортных средств на проезжей части.
Штраф за препятствие обгону в 2020 году
ПДД устанавливают довольно много правил и запретов для обгоняющих автомобилей, но предписание в них есть и для обгоняемых ТС. Правила дорожного движения запрещают мешать обгону любыми способами. Данное предписание довольно размыто, что может поставить водителей в неприятную ситуацию. Эта статья поможет полностью разобраться со значением и посылом правила для обгоняемых.
В ПДД сказано, что водителю обгоняемого ТС запрещено мешать обгону путем увеличения скорости и другими действиями.
Если причиной дорожно-транспортного происшествия стало препятствие обгону, а не ошибка обгоняющего водителя, то вина за ДТП ляжет на автомобилиста, мешавшего обгону.
Если водитель увидел, что его автомобиль обгоняет идущее позади транспортное средство, он должен придерживаться той же дистанции с автомобилем, идущим спереди, того же расстояния от полосы встречного движения и, соответственно, той же скорости. Нарушение этих правил не всегда расценивается, как препятствие обгону, и не всегда им является, но их лучше придерживаться, чтобы снизить опасность и без того рискованного маневра.
На самом деле способов препятствовать обгону довольно много, но чаще всего пользуются следующими двумя:
Самое банальное – увеличение скорости. Автомобилист пошел на обгон и рассчитывал закончить маневр через несколько секунд. Однако обгоняемый автомобиль вдруг увеличил скорость, сравняв ее с максимально допустимой на данном участке дороги. В таком случае обгоняющему водителю придется либо нарушить правила, превысив скорость, либо, наоборот, снизить скорость и вернуться на свое место. Наихудшим развитием событий будет ситуация, если обгоняемый автомобиль в этот момент снова подстроится под скорость обгоняющего и не будет давать ему вернуть на свою полосу. Такие действия могут стать причиной серьезной аварии.
Не менее опасным может быть сокращение расстояния обгоняемым автомобилем. Под этой фразой может пониматься как сокращение интервала (расстояния между обгоняемым и обгоняющим ТС), так и дистанции (расстояния между обгоняемым ТС и автомобилем спереди него). Оба действия могут быть признаны препятствием совершению обгона. Наиболее опасным является сокращение интервала, когда обгоняемый автомобиль резко приближается к встречной полосе или даже выезжает на нее. В таком случае и обгоняющему автомобилисту приходится уходить влево, а
Какие действия запрещены если вас обгоняют
Штрафы за нарушение знака — Обгон запрещен
Штрафы за нарушение знака «Обгон запрещен» Движение транспортного средства по дороге сопряжено со многими маневрами: это и поворот, и перестроение в соседнюю полосу, а также опережение ТС, которое, по мнению обгоняющего водителя, едет недостаточно быстро. Сам по себе маневр несложный, если соблюдать установленные правила. Нарушение же порядка и условий опережения впередиидущего ТС считается одним из серьезнейших проступков водителей, поскольку излишняя самонадеянность провоцирует риск совершения тяжелого ДТП с непредсказуемыми, чаще всего фатальными, последствиями. Какое наказание предусмотрено за нарушение Обгон – это не тот случай, когда «если очень хочется – то можно».
Какие действия запрещены если вас обгоняют
На новом учебно-методическом портале ( www.auto-uch.info ) собрана информация об истории автомобиля, об его основных составных частях, правилах безопасной езды и о страховании автомобиля. Проведен разбор некоторых типовых ситуаций на дорогах. Около 10 лет понадобилось изобретателю Дину Кеймену для того, чтобы создать приспособление, позволяющее значительным образом облегчить и сделать жизнь пешехода более мобильной и оперативной, при этом не нарушив экологического равновесия, которое страдает в первую очередь при появлении новых человеческих выдумок. Приобрести автомобиль своей мечты можно разными способами.
Ответы в автошколе в SAMP
На сервере Samp RP и на некоторых других популярных проектах нужно просто заплатить денежку, а затем аккуратно проехать по городу SF (в котором находится автошкола). На Advance RP существует тест на права, который стоит 600$ . Итак, ответы: На сервере GameWorld также есть тест. Вот ответы (порядок может не совпасть, т.к. при выдаче вопросов используется рандом): По какой стороне дороги разрешено движение? – По правой. Вас обгоняет машина.
Зона действия дорожного знака «Обгон запрещен»
Обгон на дороге можно назвать, одним из самых опасных нарушений правил ПДД, которые совершаются на дороге. Немало автолюбителей совершают его, пересекая разметку или нарушая требования запрещающего знака. За счёт чего, часто проезжают в опасной близости к автомобилям, движущимся в противоположном направлении и подвергают опасности не только свои жизнь и здоровье, но и чужие.
Какой статьей будет являться обгон в зоне действия знака Обгон запрещен, если
Какой статьей будет являться обгон в зоне действия знака «Обгон запрещен», если. Илья Юрьев Профи (911), закрыт 3 года назад если знак стоял метров 250-300 назад за мостом, а после моста началась прямая дорога метров 350-400 с прерывистой линией разметки? Это явно не опасный участок дороги и зона видимости более 150 метров. Мне приписали статью 12.15.4, в чём я не очень уверен.
Вы совершили обгон в зоне действия знака — Обгон запрещен
Вы совершили обгон в зоне действия знака «Обгон запрещен» В данном случае, сохранность вашего ВУ, обеспечит установка знака с нарушением требований ГОСТа 52289-2004. Знак, установленный не по ГОСТ, противоречит и Закону, и ПДД. Следовательно, хотя и имеет место нарушение такого знака, но отсутствует событие правонарушения. По тем же основаниям отсутствует и состав правонарушения, т.к.
Сообщества › DRIVE2 и ГАИ › Блог › ГОСТ в помощь: как избежать лишения при обгоне в зоне действия знака?
Вы совершили обгон в зоне действия знака «Обгон запрещен» и вас остановил инспектор ДПС. Ситуация крайне неприятная и здесь сохранность ваших прав может обеспечить установка знака с нарушением требований ГОСТа 52289-2004. Знак, установленный не по ГОСТу, противоречит и закону, и ПДД. Даже если вы и совершили в зоне действия такого знака, наказание вы не понесете, если докажете, что знак установлен не по ГОСТу.
Торопись медленно, или Как не получить штраф за обгон?
Обгон является одним из важнейших составляющих уличного движения. В сегодняшней статье речь пойдет обо всех аспектах этой составляющей – понятии и правилах обгона, штрафе за обгон и т.
д. Что собой представляет Согласно ПДД представляет собой опережение одного либо нескольких транспортных средств, подразумевающее выезд на встречную полосу с последующим возвратом на занимаемую до этого полосу.
Что такое обгон и что считать нарушением ПДД?
— Здравствуйте. В Правилах дорожного движения есть пункт, который запрещает выполнение маневров по обгону или объезду препятствий в случае, если транспортное средство впереди само выполняет обгон или объезд препятствия? Грозит ли лишением прав «обгон паровозиком»? Какой автомобиль запрещено обгонять по правилам: то, которое выполняет обгон, или обгоняемое?
Дорогие читатели! Для решения именно Вашей проблемы — звоните на горячую линию 8 (800) 350-34-85 или задайте вопрос на сайте. Это бесплатно.
Что говорят Правила дорожного движения об обгоне паровозиком
В Правилах дорожного движения (ПДД) нет понятия «двойной обгон» или «обгон паровозиком». Есть запрет на выполнение определенных маневров при обгоне. Обгон представляет собой опережение одного или нескольких транспортных средств, которое связано с выездом на полосу или сторону проезжей части, предназначенные для встречного движения, и последующим возвратом на ранее занимаемую полосу дороги.
На скоростных трассах медленно едущие автомобили нередко собирают «хвост» из легковых машин. Каждый из водителей ожидает, пока ему подвернется возможность обгона, и когда такая возможность появляется, на встречную полосу одновременно могут выехать несколько машин. При этом второе авто пристраивается за первым в надежде завершить маневр под прикрытием. Если тот, кто едет первым, с большей долей вероятности успеет вернуться на свою полосу до опасного сближения со встречным авто, то второй автомобиль находится в опасной ситуации, когда ему может грозить лобовое столкновение. Именно этим опасен обгон паровозиком.
Можно ли совершать обгон паровозиком
Перед тем как выехать на встречную полосу, водитель должен удостовериться, что эта полоса свободна. Перемещение влево для маневра запрещено в следующих случаях:
- если к маневру приступило транспортное средство, которое едет сзади;
- если машина, которую необходимо объехать, подает сигнал о повороте налево;
- если находящийся впереди автомобиль производит обгон или объезжает помеху.
Также обгон запрещен, если становится очевидно, что вернуться на свою полосу движения после совершения действия безопасно не выйдет.
Запрет на совершение обгона в определенных случаях содержится в п. 11.2 ПДД. Здесь сказано, что водитель не вправе производить обгон, если машина впереди производит обгон или объезд препятствия. Указано на запрет на обгон только одного транспортного средства: это тот автомобиль, который в настоящий момент времени производит обгон или объезжает препятствие. Именно этот автомобиль запрещается обгонять водителю.Иными словами, речь идет об обгоняющем автомобиле, а не об обгоняемом.
Ответственность за несоблюдение правил
Ответственность за несоблюдение правил обгона прописана в ст. 12.15 КоАП. Перемещение на встречную полосу при обгоне паровозиком преследуется по п. 4 данной статьи. Автомобилист, который решился на запрещенный маневр, может получить административный штраф в размере 5000 р. или лишиться права управления транспортными средствами на срок 4-6 месяцев.
При повторном нарушении на основании п. 5 ст. 12.15 КоАП нарушитель может утратить свои водительские права на срок до 12 месяцев. Если нарушение зафиксируют камеры автоматического наблюдения, то лишение прав не предусмотрено: автовладельцу предстоит в данном случае заплатить штраф до 5000 р.Таким образом, содержание п. 11.2 Правил дорожного движения указывает на то, что обгон паровозиком запрещен по закону. Начинать обгон допускается только тогда, когда впереди и сзади нет транспортных средств, которые едут по встречной полосе. Обгон паровозиком грозит виновному лицу штрафом в размере 5000 р. или лишением прав — до полугода за первый подобный проступок и до года — за второй.
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Юрист-консультант общей практики
Какие действия запрещены если вас обгоняют
Какой штраф за знак обгон запрещен
Ранее обгон считался совершенным в том случае, если движущаяся впереди машина была оставлена позади. Теперь этого пункта в правилах вы не найдете, а законодательство не дает четкой трактовки. Следовательно, можно считать даже объезд стоящего автомобиля. Можно сказать, что введение новых правил поспособствовало сужению понятия.
Теперь обгон сопровождается выездом на встречную полосу.
Знак «Обгон запрещён»
Недаром он относится к категории запрещающих дорожных знаков. Выбор места его установки обусловлен различными опасностями для водителя, связанными с плохой видимостью по причине рельефа или крутого поворота с плохим обзором. Этот знак указывает водителям, что данный участок дороги представляет повышенную опасность и обгон на нём крайне рискованный.
В ПДД чёрным по белому написано, что он запрещает водителям обгонять все транспортные средства (далее ТС) за некоторыми незначительными исключениями из правил.
Правила дорожного движения (ПДД)
Общие правила
1.1 транспортного средства разрешен только с левой стороны.
1.2. При обгоне транспортного средства водитель обязан убедиться что встречная полоса свободна на достаточном для обгона расстоянии.
При ДТП водитель обязан позвонить в полицию 911 и дождаться ДПС.
1.4. Запрещено управление транспортным средством в состоянии алкогольного или наркотического опьянения.
2. Скорость движения
2.1. В пределах города разрешается движение транспортных средств со скоростью не более 50 км/ч.
В жилых зонах и на дворовых территориях — не более 30 км/ч.
2.3. За пределами города скоростных ограничений нет.
4. ДПС
4.1. При виде автомобиля с включенной сиреной, водитель обязан сбавить скорость и прижаться к обочине.
Водитель обязан предъявить паспорт/лицензии/документы на машину патрульному, если тот попросил.
Обгон разрешен!
Ответ на первый вопрос очевиден – при проведении детального разбирательства сотрудник ГИБДД без проблем докажет, что он прав: вот здесь проходит сплошная осевая линия, вот в этом месте дежурил наряд ГИБДД, а вот здесь автомобиль пошел на обгон, пересекая сплошную осевую линию. Что касается второго вопроса, то здесь возможны варианты. Все мы знаем, что обгон – это маневр, выполнение которого возможно только при наличии определенного расстояния.
Какие действия запрещены если вас обгоняют
Начинать перестраиваться на правую полосу следует, предварительно включив правый указатель поворота и опередив обгоняемого примерно на 20-30м. Водитель обгоняемого автомобиля . заметив сигнал об обгоне, не должен увеличивать скорость и «теснить» обгоняющего, продолжая движение по середине проезжей части.
От того, насколько быстро вас обгонят, зависит и ваша безопасность.
Торопись медленно, или Как не получить штраф за обгон?
Все предельно ясно, ничего объяснять не нужно. Но в народе об этом говорят более лаконично: если не уверен, не нужно обгонять.
Ниже приведены другие советы, которые помогут совершить безопасный маневр: недопустимо совершение обгона сразу же за другим обгоняющим автомобилем; при выполнении маневра нельзя превышать скорость; запрещается начинать маневр, если вас обгоняет другое транспортное средство; по возможности нужно разгоняться заранее, дабы сократить время выполнения маневра; перед обгоном нужно убедиться, что другая полоса чистая, о чем уже упоминалось.
Правила обгона
Такой маневр считается просто опережением. Таким образом, никакие ваши действия в данной ситуации обгоном названы быть не могут, даже если вы выполняете подобный маневр на перекрестке. любого транспортного средства кроме трамвая по правилам может быть осуществлен исключительно с левой стороны.
В соответствии с правилами дорожного движения перед тем, как водитель начинает выполнять обгон, он должен убедиться в следующем: Если совершение за пределами населенного пункта, или водитель хочет опередить тихоходное транспортное средство, которое перевозит крупногабаритный груз, или транспортное средство, скорость которого не более 30 км/ч, то водитель нужно сдвинуться вправо или даже остановиться для того, чтобы пропустить транспортные средства, которые следуют за ним.
Выполнение обгона по правилам дорожного движения
Прежде чем начать обгон, водитель обязан убедиться в том, что полоса движения, на которую он собирается выехать, свободна на достаточном для обгона расстоянии и в процессе обгона он не создаст опасности для движения и помех другим участникам дорожного движения. Это требование весьма актуально, поскольку выезд на встречную полосу всегда связан с определенным риском.
90000 ITC Final Exam Answers — Premium IT Exam & Certified 90001 90002 Last Updated on 90003 December 11, 2018 90004 by Admin 90005 90006 ITC Final Exam Answers 90007 90002 Learning with Cisco Netacad, there are many exams and lab activities to do. Some instructor require students to complete all Chapter exams, Final Exam and Chapter Quiz. No mater what instructors want you to do, PremiumExam.net offers all exams answers with clear explanation. Our Experts have verified all exam answers before we published to the website.We recommended you to chose any relevant chapter from the following: 90005 90010 90011 90012 Which statement describes cybersecurity? 90013 90014 90011 It is a framework for security policy development. 90016 90011 It is a standard-based model for developing firewall technologies to fight against cybercriminals. 90016 90011 It is a standard-based model for developing firewall technologies to fight against cybercriminals. 90016 90011 It is an ongoing effort to protect Internet-connected systems and the data associated with those systems from unauthorized use or harm.90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 What are two objectives of ensuring data integrity? (Choose two.) 90013 90014 90011 Data is available all the time. 90016 90011 Data is unaltered during transit. 90016 90011 Access to the data is authenticated. 90016 90011 Data is not changed by unauthorized entities. 90016 90011 Data is encrypted while in transit and when stored on disks. 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 A web server administrator is configuring access settings to require users to authenticate first before accessing certain web pages.Which requirement of information security is addressed through the configuration? 90013 90014 90011 integrity 90016 90011 scalability 90016 90011 availability 90016 90011 confidentiality 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 A company is experiencing overwhelming visits to a main web server. The IT department is developing a plan to add a couple more web servers for load balancing and redundancy. Which requirement of information security is addressed by implementing the plan? 90013 90014 90011 integrity 90016 90011 scalability 90016 90011 availability 90016 90011 confidentiality 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 True or False? 90013 90012 An employee does something as a company representative with the knowledge of that company and this action is deemed illegal.The company would be legally responsible for this action. 90013 90016 90011 90012 What is the main purpose of cyberwarfare? 90013 90014 90011 to protect cloud-based data centers 90016 90011 to gain advantage over adversaries 90016 90011 to develop advanced network devices 90016 90011 to simulate possible war scenarios among nations 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 When describing malware, what is a difference between a virus and a worm? 90013 90097 90002 ITC Final Exam Answers 004 90005 90014 90011 A virus focuses on gaining privileged access to a device, whereas a worm does not.90016 90011 A virus can be used to deliver advertisements without user consent, whereas a worm can not. 90016 90011 A virus replicates itself by attaching to another file, whereas a worm can replicate itself independently. 90016 90011 A virus can be used to launch a DoS attack (but not a DDoS), but a worm can be used to launch both DoS and DDoS attacks. 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 What type of attack uses zombies? 90013 90014 90011 Trojan horse 90016 90011 DDoS 90016 90011 SEO poisoning 90016 90011 spear phishing 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 The IT department is reporting that a company web server is receiving an abnormally high number of web page requests from different locations simultaneously.Which type of security attack is occurring? 90013 90014 90011 adware 90016 90011 DDoS 90016 90011 phishing 90016 90011 social engineering 90016 90011 spyware 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 What is the best approach to prevent a compromised IoT device from maliciously accessing data and devices on a local network? 90013 90147 90002 ITC Final Exam Answers 003 90005 90014 90011 Install a software firewall on every network device. 90016 90011 Place all IoT devices that have access to the Internet on an isolated network.90016 90011 Disconnect all IoT devices from the Internet. 90016 90011 Set the security settings of workstation web browsers to a higher level. 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 What is the best method to avoid getting spyware on a machine? 90013 90014 90011 Install the latest operating system updates. 90016 90011 Install the latest web browser updates. 90016 90011 Install the latest antivirus updates. 90016 90011 Install software only from trusted websites. 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 What are two security implementations that use biometrics? (Choose two.) 90013 90180 90002 ITC Final Exam Answers 002 90005 90014 90011 voice recognition 90016 90011 fob 90016 90011 phone 90016 90011 fingerprint 90016 90011 credit card 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 Which technology creates a security token that allows a user to log in to a desired web application using credentials from a social media website? 90013 90014 90011 password manager 90016 90011 Open Authorization 90016 90011 in-private browsing mode 90016 90011 VPN service 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 A medical office employee sends emails to patients about recent patient visits to the facility.What information would put the privacy of the patients at risk if it was included in the email? 90013 90014 90011 patient records 90016 90011 first and last name 90016 90011 contact information 90016 90011 next appointment 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 Which two tools used for incident detection can be used to detect anomalous behavior, to detect command and control traffic, and to detect infected hosts? (Choose two.) 90013 90014 90011 intrusion detection system 90016 90011 Honeypot 90016 90011 NetFlow 90016 90011 Nmap 90016 90011 a reverse proxy server 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 For what purpose would a network administrator use the Nmap tool? 90013 90014 90011 detection and identification of open ports 90016 90011 protection of the private IP addresses of internal hosts 90016 90011 identification of specific network anomalies 90016 90011 collection and analysis of security alerts and logs 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 Which stage of the kill chain used by attackers focuses on the identification and selection of targets? 90013 90014 90011 delivery 90016 90011 exploitation 90016 90011 weaponization 90016 90011 reconnaissance 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 What is an example of the a Cyber Kill Chain? 90013 90014 90011 a group of botnets 90016 90011 a planned process of cyberattack 90016 90011 a series of worms based on the same core code 90016 90011 a combination of virus, worm, and Trojan Horse 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 What tool is used to lure an attacker so that an administrator can capture, log, and analyze the behavior of the attack? 90013 90016 90011 90012 What is one main function of the Cisco Security Incident Response Team? 90013 90296 90002 ITC Final Exam Answers 001 90005 90014 90011 to design polymorphic malware 90016 90011 to design next generation routers and switches that are less prone to cyberattacks 90016 90011 to provide standards for new encryption techniques 90016 90011 to ensure company, system, and data preservation 90022 90016 90024 90016 90011 90012 What action will an IDS take upon detection of malicious traffic? 90013 90014 90011 block or deny all traffic 90016 90011 drop only packets identified as malicious 90016 90011 create a network alert and log the detection 90016 90011 reroute malicious traffic to a honeypot 90022 90016 90024 90016 90326 90002 Learning with Cisco Netacad, there are many exams and lab activities to do.Some instructor require students to complete all Chapter exams, Final Exam and Chapter Quiz. No mater what instructors want you to do, PremiumExam.net offers all exams answers with clear explanation. Our Experts have verified all exam answers before we published to the website. We recommended you to chose any relevant chapter from the following: 90005.90000 ENGLISH FILE Upper-intermediate — PDF Free Download 90001 90002 90003 Transcription 90004 90005 1 7 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A GRAMMAR 1 Underline the correct word (s). Example: You must have / can t have seen Billy. He s on holiday at the moment. 1 They must have / should have gone to bed early there are no lights on in the house.2 I suppose I could have / must have dropped my wallet, but I think it s been stolen. 3 You look exhausted. You should have gone / should go for a shorter run. 4 I may have / must have met her at a conference, but I can t remember if I did. Diana can t have / mustn t have got engaged she s only known him six weeks! 6 You shouldn t have / might not have looked at my s, it was very wrong of you. 7 They might have / must have finished their walk by now. It s too dark to see anything. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Example: I d rather have (have) more free time than money. 1 Would you rather (eat) out tonight, or stay in? 2 I d rather you (not meet) me for lunch today, I ve got a lot of work to do. 3 Chris says he d rather you (pick) him up at 8.00, not Danielle admitted that she d rather (not go) to the barbecue. Wouldn t you rather John (do) the repairs in the bathroom this week? 3 Complete the sentences with the correct word (s). Example: You look really ill. You should call a doctor. sound look feel 1 Beth told me you like going to a club.Where would you like to go? sound feel look 2 It s so empty here today. It feels we ve got the café to ourselves. as if if that 7 3 I don t know what this fruit is but it tastes like! great pineapple horrible 4 Mmm, that really good! Are you making a cake? smells tastes feels This shirt a bit tight. Do you have it in a larger size? feels as if feels feels like 6 Robert looks more his mother than his father. as like as if 7 Eve looks as she hasn t slept for a week! though like when 8 This music something I ve heard before.What s the name of the band? sounds like feels like sounds VOCABULARY 4 Underline the correct word (s). 8 Grammar total 20 Example: I hope / wish Nick was here. I miss him. 1 Please remember / remind me to set my alarm clock for 7.00 instead of Have you noticed / realized that new pizza place on the High Street? 3 We couldn t avoid / prevent her from buying that car. 4 We really don t matter / mind Alice staying another night she s welcome. I can remember when Manchester United beat / won Arsenal The trouble with Jeff is that he denies / refuses to accept that anything is wrong.7 Unemployment has risen / raised again this month. 8 We laid / lay the blanket on the ground and had a picnic by the river. 9 That s the jeweller s that was stolen / robbed last week. 10 I advise / warn you to look for another job you really don t seem happy in this one. 10 1 90006 90005 2 7 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A Complete the sentences with one word. Example: Jason scratched the bite on his arm and made it bleed. 1 You don t look old! You haven t got any on your face! 2 You look as if you ve just got out of bed! You should your hair! 3 It s very rude to your finger at people.4 I knew you wouldn t agree because you raised your when I suggested it. Business people often hands when they make a deal. 6 Did you use to suck your when you were little? 7 Can you give me a tissue? I need to blow my. 8 Eric shrugged his and said he had no idea where the path went. 9 There s a cold wind today. Put this scarf round your. 10 I could tell as soon as I saw your fingers that you bite your. 10 PRONUNCIATION 6 Underline the silent letters in the words. Example: half 1 muscle 2 comb 3 knee 4 wrist thigh 7 Underline the stressed syllable.Example: ex pand 1 eye lash es 2 ad vise 3 in ves ti gate 4 ar gu ment ex pre ssion Pronunciation total 10 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 0 Vocabulary total 20 2 90006 90005 3 7 Reading and Writing A READING Read the article about people and happiness. Five sentences have been removed. Which sentence (A F) fits each gap (1)? There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. Great Britain Or Is It? If someone asked you how happy the people in your country are, what would you say? The British government recently asked the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to carry out a survey to find out if people in the country are, in general, happy or not.Most Britons report being satisfied with life, with concerns over work and finances overtaken by happiness gained from children, relationships, and where people live. The government survey was released just days after economists made one of the most depressing forecasts of recent times about long-term economic growth. (1) Not only that, but it would leave the public worse off than they were ten years ago. Despite this, the survey paints a picture of the country largely emotionally unaffected by the crisis.The survey of 4,200 adults is part of the British Prime Minister s 2 million drive to get a better idea of how the country is doing, rather than just focusing on budgets and figures. People were asked various questions about their lives and were asked to give marks out of ten about how they felt about these areas. The ONS s work showed that on average people rated their life satisfaction at 7.4 out of 10. When asked whether things they did in life were worthwhile, people on average gave a score of 7.6. (2) Happiness with people s financial situation had the lowest average score of 6.2 out of 10, followed by work situation, with 6.7 out of 10. When asked specifically about satisfaction with the balance between time spent on work and on other areas of life, low scores were also given, with an average of 6.4 out of 10. The answer to the question, Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday? caused some worry. More than a quarter rated this out of 10 where 10 was feeling completely anxious. (3) These areas of life had the highest average scores, with both scoring at 8.3 out of 10. Lord Richard Layard, professor at the London School of Economics, said it was likely that life satisfaction would fall as the situation gets worse. (4) And when things are going badly and times are hard, people start to feel less happy with their lives. The professor, who founded the Action for Happiness group to promote well-being, said policymakers the people who make important financial decisions could use the data to lessen the pain of recession. But they would need to first identify how to measure happiness, then work out what makes people miserable or happy.Lastly, they ought to assess how much happiness one can create by spending taxpayers cash. () Paul Allen of the ONS said another big factor in happiness was health. He said they saw that people who responded when their health was bad, reported anxiety. He added that they were trying to build up a picture of how people rate happiness. One of the most revealing aspects of the emerging science around happiness is about language. Britons associated happiness with being calm, relaxed, and peaceful rather than energized and excited.So, perhaps it pays in more ways than one to follow the great British belief that it s best to keep calm and carry on! A However, there were also signs of stress in British society. B This could be used on supporting childcare, parenting, or help for mental health. C He added that we know from other European countries that this is sensitive to how businesses reach highs and sink to lows. D However, a lot of young people think that wealth and celebrity will make you happy. E The experts predicted that the financial decline would be deep and long.F People were happiest, however, with their personal relationships and mental wellbeing. WRITING Reading total 10 Write a description for your school blog with the following title: My perfect day. Write words. Include the following information: say what a perfect day for you would be and who you would spend it with explain why you would choose to do those things say why you think the day would be enjoyable Writing total 10 Reading and Writing total 20 3 90006 90005 4 7 Listening and Speaking A LISTENING 1 Listen to five women talking about their relationships.Choose from the list (A F) what each speaker says about their relationships. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use. A He s reliable. B He s thoughtful. C He s patient. D He s easygoing. E He s romantic. F He s sociable. Speaker 1: Speaker 2: Speaker 3: Speaker 4: Speaker: 2 Listen to a health and lifestyle expert talking about ways people can make themselves happy. Underline the correct answer. 1 Chris says that our decisions can be affected by our own negative thoughts / other people s negative opinions / our previous negative experiences.2 According to Chris, the amount / location / quality of sleep we get is important. 3 Chris recommends spending time with kids / having a more relaxed attitude / laughing at ourselves if we re having a bad day. 4 Chris mentions getting a pet / telling family members a story / meeting new people as an example of getting back to basics. Chris says that the ability to love is missing among people in society nowadays / a characteristic of all people / essential in establishing relationships with people.SPEAKING 1 Make questions and ask your partner. 1 What / make / feel happy? 2 Is / money / necessary / happiness? Why / Why not? 3 What / spend / most money / each week? Why? 4 Is / important / save / money / each month? Why / Why not? Is / important / teach / young people / value / money? Why / Why not? Now answer your partner s questions. 2 Listen to your partner talking about money. Do you agree with him / her? 3 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree or disagree. Give reasons. Some things in life are more important than money.Speaking total 20 Listening and Speaking total 30 Listening total 10 4 90006 90005 5 7 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example: I d rather have (have) a coconut. 1 Toni says she d rather you (pick) her up a bit later. 2 Ian told me that he d actually rather (not go) to the talk. 3 Wouldn t you rather someone else (do) the washing-up tonight? 4 Would you rather (eat) Chinese food or Indian? We d rather you (not come) round tonight because Larry s ill.2 Complete the sentences with the correct word (s). Example: You look really ill. You should call a doctor. sound look feel 1 I ve no idea what kind of fruit this is but it tastes a bit like! great pineapple horrible 2 This song one I heard on the radio yesterday. Who s it by? sounds like feels like sounds 3 You look much more your father than your mother. as like as if 4 There are so few people here it feels we ve got the place to ourselves. as if if that Bethany told me you like dancing tonight.Where do you want to go? sound feel look 6 Michael looks as he s had a really difficult day. though like when 7 Wow, that fantastic! What are you cooking? smells tastes feels 8 This jacket too small. Do you have a bigger one? feels as if feels feels like 8 3 Underline the correct word (s). Example: You must have / can t have seen Billy. He s on holiday at the moment. 1 I think I may have / must have seen that man before it s difficult to be sure. 2 Jo can t have / mustn t have found a new boyfriend she only finished with Al yesterday! 3 Sam might have / must have finished playing tennis now it s nearly dark.4 You could have / must have left your key at home you can t be sure you ve lost it. You should have gone / should go home before now you re working too hard. 6 Claire must have / should have gone home her computer s switched off. 7 I apologize. I shouldn t have / might not have read that letter without asking you. VOCABULARY 4 Complete the sentences with one word. 7 Grammar total 20 Example: Jason scratched the bite on his arm and made it bleed. 1 Let s hands and make it a deal. 2 I don t know if I sucked my when I was little? Do you? 3 I need to blow my.I think I m getting a cold. 4 Don t your finger at me! It s very rude. I wish I didn t bite my my fingers are a real mess. 6 I shrugged my and told them that I didn t know the answer. 7 I m sure you had a scarf round your when you came out. 8 I don t look as old as your mum! I haven t got that many on my face! 9 You look as if you ve just got up! your hair before you go out! 10 Frank raised his when I told him my plan, so I knew he wasn t enthusiastic. 10 1 90006 90005 6 7 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B Underline the correct word (s).Example: I hope / wish Kevin was here. I miss him. 1 Will you remember / remind me to get some paper when we go out? 2 Cameron denies / refuses to accept that there s a problem so I can t help him. 3 The price of gold has risen / raised again during the last year. 4 No-one can avoid / prevent you leaving home once you re 16. We would advise / warn you to invest your money in that company it s a big success. 6 I laid / lay my towel on the grass and sunbathed for a couple of hours. 7 Is that the bank that was stolen / robbed last year? 8 Do you remember when Cameroon beat / won Argentina in the World Cup? 9 I noticed / realized that they re building some new houses next to the stadium.10 Would you matter / mind if I stayed the night I ve missed the last bus? 10 Vocabulary total 20 PRONUNCIATION 6 Underline the stressed syllable. Example: ex pand 1 in ves ti gate 2 ar gu ment 3 ex pre ssion 4 eye lash es ad vise 7 Underline the silent letters in the words. Example: half 1 wrist 2 thigh 3 muscle 4 comb knee Pronunciation total 10 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 0 2 90006 90005 7 7 Reading and Writing B READING Read the article about people and happiness.Five sentences have been removed. Which sentence (A F) fits each gap (1)? There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. How Happy Are British People? If someone asked you how happy the people in your country are, what would you say? The British government recently asked the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to carry out a survey to find out if people in the country are, in general, happy or not. Most Britons report being satisfied with life, with concerns over work and finances overtaken by happiness gained from children, relationships, and where people live.(1) The experts predicted that the financial decline would be deep and long. Not only that, but it would leave the public worse off than they were ten years ago. Despite this, the survey paints a picture of the country largely emotionally unaffected by the crisis. The survey of 4,200 adults is part of the British Prime Minister s 2 million drive to get a better idea of how the country is doing, rather than just focusing on budgets and figures. People were asked various questions about their lives and were asked to give marks out of ten about how they felt about these areas.The ONS s work showed that on average people rated their life satisfaction at 7.4 out of 10. (2) However, there were also signs of stress in British society. Happiness with people s financial situation had the lowest average score of 6.2 out of 10, followed by work situation, with 6.7 out of 10. When asked specifically about satisfaction with the balance between time spent on paid work and on other areas of life, low scores were also given, with an average of 6.4 out of 10. The answer to the question, Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday? caused some worry.More than a quarter rated this out of 10 where 10 was feeling completely anxious. People were happiest, however, with their personal relationships and mental wellbeing. (3) Lord Richard Layard, professor at the London School of Economics, said it was likely that life satisfaction would fall as the situation gets worse. He added that we know from other European countries that this is sensitive to how businesses reach highs and sink to lows. (4) The professor, who founded the Action for Happiness group to promote well-being, said policymakers the people who make important financial decisions could use the data to lessen the pain of recession.But they would need to first identify how to measure happiness, then work out what makes people miserable or happy. () This could be used on supporting childcare, parenting, or help for mental health. Paul Allen of the ONS said another big factor in happiness was health. He said they saw that people who responded when their health was bad reported anxiety. He added that they were trying to build up a picture of how people rate happiness. One of the most revealing aspects of the emerging science around happiness is about language.Britons associated happiness with being calm, relaxed, and peaceful rather than energized and excited. So, perhaps it pays in more ways than one to follow the great British belief that it s best to keep calm and carry on! A When asked whether things they did in life were worthwhile, people on average gave a score of 7.6. B And when things are going badly and times are hard, people start to feel less happy with their lives. C However, a lot of young people think that wealth and celebrity will make you happy.D Lastly they ought to assess how much happiness one can create by spending taxpayers cash. E The government survey was released just days after economists made one of the most depressing forecasts of recent times about long-term economic growth. F These areas of life had the highest average scores, with both scoring at 8.3 out of 10. WRITING Reading total 10 Write a description for your school blog with the following title: My perfect day. Write words. Include the following information: say what a perfect day for you would be and who you would spend it with explain why you would choose to do those things say why you think the day would be enjoyable Writing total 10 Reading and Writing total 20 3 90006 90005 8 7 Listening and Speaking B LISTENING 1 Listen to five women talking about their relationships.Choose from the list (A F) what each speaker says about their relationships. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use. A He s passionate. B He s handsome. C He s friendly. D He s caring. E He s dependable. F He s calm. Speaker 1: Speaker 2: Speaker 3: Speaker 4: Speaker: 2 Listen to a health and lifestyle expert talking about ways people can make themselves happy. Underline the correct answer. 1 Chris says that if we want to feel better, we should be around happy people / think positive thoughts / be very self-confident.2 According to Chris, people need to sleep only in one place / be relaxed before bedtime / make sure they get enough sleep. 3 Chris recommends that people spend some time with children / watch something funny / tell jokes when they re having a bad day. 4 Chris says that the simple things in life satisfy us / are easy for us to do / take up less of our time. Chris mentions dealing with anger / getting rid of fears / making an effort to get on with others as a way of developing a positive attitude.SPEAKING 1 Answer your partner s questions. Now make questions and ask your partner. 1 What / make / feel happy? 2 Is / money / necessary / happiness? Why / Why not? 3 What / favourite food? / What / taste like? 4 Think of a favourite relative. What / he / she look like? When / last argue / someone? 2 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree or disagree. Give reasons. The best way to win an argument is not to start one. 3 Listen to your partner talking about money. Do you agree with him / her? Speaking total 20 Listening and Speaking total 30 Listening total 10 4 90006 90005 9 7 Answer Key A Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation GRAMMAR 1 + 1 must have 2 could have 3 should have gone 4 may have can t have 6 shouldn t have 7 must have 2 1 eat 2 didn t meet 3 picked 4 not go did 3 1 feel 2 as if 3 pineapple 4 smells feels 6 like 7 though 8 sounds like VOCABULARY 4 1 remind 2 noticed 3 prevent 4 mind beat 6 refuses 7 risen 8 laid 9 robbed 10 advise PRONUNCIATION 6 1 muscle 2 comb 3 knee 4 wrist thigh 7 1 eye lash es 2 ad vise 3 in ves ti gate 4 ar gu ment ex pre ssion Reading and Writing READING 1 + 1 E 2 A 3 F 4 CB WRITING Student s own answers.Task completion: The task is fully completed and the answer easy to understand. (4 marks) Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure the meaning. (3 marks) Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the message clearly. (3 marks) 1 wrinkles 2 comb 3 point 4 eyebrows shake 6 thumb 7 nose 8 shoulders 9 neck 10 nails 1 90006 90005 10 7 Answer Key A Listening and Speaking LISTENING 1 Speaker 1: B Speaker 2: D Speaker 3: F Speaker 4 : A Speaker: E 2 1 our own negative thoughts 2 quality 3 laughing at ourselves 4 telling family members a story a characteristic of all people SPEAKING Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions , and where necessary initiating conversation, and responding.The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task successfully. (10 marks) Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (Marks) Pronunciation: The student s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear and comprehensible. (Marks) 2 90006 90005 11 7 Answer Key B Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation GRAMMAR 1 + 1 picked 2 not go 3 did 4 eat didn t come 2 1 pineapple 2 sounds like 3 like 4 as if feel 6 though 7 smells 8 feels 3 1 may have 2 can t have 3 must have 4 could have should have gone 6 must have 7 shouldn t have VOCABULARY 4 1 shake 2 thumb 3 nose 4 point nails 6 shoulders 7 neck 8 wrinkles 9 Comb 10 eyebrows PRONUNCIATION 6 1 in ves ti gate 2 ar gu ment 3 ex pre ssion 4 eye lash es ad vise 7 1 wrist 2 thigh 3 muscle 4 comb knee Reading and Writing READING 1 + 1 E 2 A 3 F 4 BD WRITING Student s own answers.Task completion: The task is fully completed and the answer easy to understand. (4 marks) Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure the meaning. (3 marks) Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the message clearly. (3 marks) 1 remind 2 refuses 3 risen 4 prevent advise 6 laid 7 robbed 8 beat 9 noticed 10 mind 3 90006 90005 12 7 Answer Key B Listening and Speaking LISTENING 1 Speaker 1: D Speaker 2: F Speaker 3: C Speaker 4 : E Speaker: A 2 1 think positive thoughts 2 be relaxed before bedtime 3 watch something funny 4 satisfy us making an effort to get on with others SPEAKING Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating conversation, and responding.The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task successfully. (10 marks) Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (Marks) Pronunciation: The student s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear and comprehensible. (Marks) 4 90006 90005 13 Listening Scripts FILE 7 Listening 1 Speaker 1 It s the little things he does for me that I think make him special.For example, one day last week he dropped off an umbrella for me at work because he thought it might rain that evening and he didn t want me to get wet. That was so sweet! And he does that kind of considerate thing all the time. He s very romantic sometimes, too you know, in the traditional sense, giving little gifts and so on. Speaker 2 My boyfriend has lots of great qualities. He s very good-looking, for a start, and he dresses well too. I think the best thing about him is that he s very relaxed.Unlike me, he doesn t get stressed about things. No matter what happens, he s the same! I wish I could be like that. Speaker 3 What do I like about my boyfriend? Oh, lots of things really. He gets on so well with all my friends and family, and that makes life much more pleasant I can tell you. He can mix with people so easily! I m shy to begin with, and it takes me ages to feel comfortable with new people. But, I just wish he could be a bit more romantic sometimes! Speaker 4 I like the fact that he always does what he says he will well, when he can, of course! That s important, you know, because who wants to be with someone who constantly lets you down? That s the best thing about him so, yeah, I am very lucky, I suppose.Oh, and he s handsome too, which doesn t hurt. My friend thinks he looks like a male model! Speaker He makes me feel so special, especially when he writes me poems telling me just how much he loves me or sends me flowers at work. I love all that stuff and I text him little messages during the day too. He s pretty great all round, but sometimes he loses patience with me if I m late which I often am. FILE 7 Listening 2 Interviewer Welcome back and up next is our weekly Well-being Corner, and with me now is Chris, our resident health and lifestyle expert, who s going to tell us some simple tricks for making ourselves feel better when we re down .So, Chris, is it really that simple to cheer ourselves up when we re having a bad day? Chris Well, yes, it is actually. The first thing I d say is that most people have problems with internal dialogue that little voice in your head that says to you Oh, you ll never be able to do that or You ll fail. This is very damaging we need to watch out for it and not allow it to affect our decisions about things. It s all about being more positive. Interviewer That makes sense I suppose. What else can we do? Chris One of the first things we all need to think about is our sleep.Interviewer Oh? Do you mean we re probably not getting enough sleep? Chris It s more about how we sleep than how much, actually. We should make sure that we re ready for sleep when the time comes to go to bed, and that means spending time winding down beforehand you know just relaxing, and giving our brain a chance to slow down. People who have trouble getting to sleep should try sleeping in different rooms in the house, or take a hot bath before bedtime. Interviewer Right. Chris Another thing that s important is laughter.You ve heard the saying laughter is the best medicine I m sure? Interviewer Of course Chris Well, there s a lot of truth in that saying! Laughing really improves our mood so if you re having a bad day, just act silly once in a while, read some jokes, or watch something funny. And even more importantly, learn not to take yourself too seriously either, and see the funny side of the little things in life. Be a child again! Interviewer Uh-uh, yeah, I d go along with that. All good tips. So, is there anything else? Chris Yes, there s what I call getting back to basics Interviewer which means? Chris Just doing simple stuff like reconnecting with old friends, taking the dog for a walk, visiting an art gallery, or listening to your favourite music.Enjoy a long, relaxing bath, read a great book, tell your child a story, or ask an older relative to tell you one! It s the simplest things in life that often give us the most pleasure. Interviewer I m with you on that. Chris And finally there s just one more thing I d like to add and that s about friendship. It may seem a bit obvious, but allow love into your life. The ability to love and be loved is a most basic human quality. As a society, I think we seem to have become disconnected, and negative emotions like loneliness, guilt, and anger are symptoms of this.So, if you really want to work on making your attitude more positive, find a way to reconnect with people and establish good relationships with them. Interviewer And again, that seems very reasonable. Well Chris, it s been very interesting talking to you, but unfortunately we ll have to end it there. Thanks for joining us. Chris And thank you, it s been a real pleasure! 7 90006.90000 What Would Happen If Google Suddenly Stopped Working? 90001 90002 It is usually easy for people to become snarky or irritated if the internet connection is slow. Well, the next time the internet speed annoys you, or you face any other kind of internet connection problems, imagine a world where Google does not work at all! 90003 90002 What will happen if Google suddenly got disconnected or collapsed and there was no way to revive it? Would the world still be the same? Would you still be the same? 90003 90002 90007 RELATED: 5G INTERNET WILL CHANGE THE WORLD THROUGH CONNECTIVITY 90008 90003 90002 Will you be able to survive let alone go on from one day to the next? Just how important is the internet in our lives today? 90003 90012 90007 Is it possible to live without the internet? 90008 90015 90016 Source: 90017 Pixabay 90018 90002 Surfing, chatting with friends, sharing photos and videos, going shopping, organizing trips and much more, today, there are very few things that can not be done online.Maybe that’s why people consider the internet as a vital resource today which is as essential as water, air, food or housing. 90003 90002 90007 RELATED: ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT GOOGLE’S HISTORY 90008 90003 90002 Without a doubt, the use of the internet is becoming more widespread with every passing day. Currently, we can access the network from any device, fixed or mobile, and that has many advantages such as maintaining permanent contact with friends and family. 90003 90002 While previous generations prioritize face-to-face relationships, the younger generation has taken a turn towards online relationships.90003 90002 One of the causes of the rise of the internet in recent years is the emergence of smartphones that allow access to the internet with the same features as those of a computer. It is believed that smartphones will eventually overtake computers as the most widely used technological tool on a global scale. 90003 90002 Another device that continues losing followers is the television which is seeing a decline in its use as a source of information. 90003 90002 There is no doubt that technology helps us.That said, it can also saturate us. 90003 90012 90007 So, what will happen if Google collapses? 90008 90015 90002 If Google shuts down permanently or indefinitely, the very obvious thing that would happen is that you will not be able to look for any information — big or small. In addition to this, several companies and organizations rely on the trusted services of Google apps to carry out their work operations. 90003 90002 These businesses would incur substantial losses. Moreover, such an occurrence will not serve Google well either, because it will cause a significant dent in its bank account.That said, one good thing (or bad according to how you look at it) is that piracy will come down substantially since Google is the preferred search engine around the world. 90003 90002 The collapse of Google will also give a massive surge in the use of other search engines such as Yahoo and Bing. In short, Google collapsing would be a bad day not just for the users but for the giant conglomerate itself. 90003 90012 90007 Could the internet collapse? 90008 90015 90002 Which brings us to the next question, is it possible for the internet to get disconnected completely and for it to collapse permanently? Regardless of the internet connection problems that you might be facing currently, the chances of that happening are probably very minute.90003 90002 90052 90053 90003 90002 It is almost impossible for a complete collapse of the internet to take place. Fortunately, the internet has not been designed like a magic box that has an on or off switch. 90003 90002 The internet is not even a physical entity. On the contrary, it is a collection of several physical entities and this broad domain is constantly evolving. 90003 90002 At one moment, the internet is something and the very next moment; it evolves into something completely and utterly different.90003 90002 However, parts of the internet can still sometimes go offline as we see almost daily. There are a number of things how this can happen such as an underwater cable getting snagged by an anchor or a server crash that needs replacement or rebooting. 90003 90002 Irrespective of how this occurs, a temporary disconnection from the internet can disrupt our entire lives. 90003 90002 Like all things, the internet also has a backbone. Although, it is not centralized, and there is no specific socket or plug to connect or disconnect the internet.90003 90002 The only way that the internet could suffer a global collapse is if the infrastructure is massively damaged or the protocols through which the machine communicates stop functioning for some reason. 90003 90002 It is almost impossible for the latter to happen spontaneously, although the scenario of massive damage might happen if a comet or an asteroid collides with our planet with enough force that it destroys a good part of the infrastructure of the internet. 90003 90002 The sun’s electromagnetic fluctuations or overwhelming gamma radiation might also result in a collapse.However, in both these conditions, Earth itself would be a difficult place to survive in so it would hardly matter whether or not you can log into your Facebook or Instagram account. 90003 90002 Therefore, it can easily be said that although the ultimate collapse of the internet is almost unlikely, if it were to happen, it would not be the end of the world either (metaphorically speaking). 90003 90002 If we carry out a survey or a study today on the event of non-functioning of Google in the world, it is easy to imagine the results.We have so wholly become dependent on the internet and Google for a plethora of activities that it is challenging to consider a life without its presence on the planet. 90003 90002 And even if you could live without the internet, most people would not want to. Simply imagine that you forget to pay your mobile bill and your internet gets disconnected for a day? 90003 90002 90007 RELATED: WHAT DOES GOOGLE KNOW ABOUT YOU? 90008 90003 90002 What will happen? At most, you will not be able to fulfill your daily dose of social media or use chatting platforms such as WhatsApp and Telegram.90003 90002 However, you will also realize that it is, in fact, possible to make phone calls to get in touch with someone or discover that there are several other functions of a smartphone that you can carry out without rendering the device utterly useless. 90003 90002 So, how will life be without Google or the internet? Bleak, definitely but survivable! 90003 .90000 Prohibited and restricted baggage items 90001 90002 Prohibited and restricted baggage items 90003 90004 Below are links to key information about security and baggage, including suggestions on how to deal with TSA procedures and how to pack your carry on or checked bag. 90005 90004 The list below has links to resources on common baggage restrictions that are on this page. The table that follows has links to resources on other pages. 90005 90008 90002 Additional baggage information 90003 90008 90002 Before you fly 90003 90004 Before you head to the airport, you should take the time to get familiar with common security rules such as what kinds of identification you may need, and basic baggage rules such as what valuable or critical personal items should always be in your carry-on bag and not in your checked luggage.90005 90004 Going through airport security without any extra delays will be a lot easier if you avoid taking banned or restricted items through the security checkpoint. While the following descriptions of banned or restricted items are based on TSA rules and guidelines, most countries have similar restrictions. 90005 90008 90019 Banned items 90020 90004 The following items are completely banned from aircraft, and should not be brought to the airport: 90005 90023 90024 Explosive and incendiary materials 90025 90024 Flammable items 90025 90024 Gasses and pressure containers 90025 90024 Matches 90025 90024 Oxidizers and organic peroxides 90025 90024 Poisons 90025 90024 Infectious materials 90025 90024 Corrosives 90025 90024 Organics 90025 90024 Radioactive materials 90025 90024 Magnetic materials 90025 90024 Marijuana (cannabis) 90025 90048 90004 90050 Note: 90051 For more information, including details on other dangerous items, visit the banned items page.Also, if you are in any doubt about whether your item may be hazardous, you should bring it to the attention of either your airline or the security screener. 90005 90004 90050 Related resources 90051 90056 While explosives are banned, passengers can follow specific procedures to carry firearms and some kinds of ammunition in checked baggage. 90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90019 Items restricted to checked bags 90020 90004 The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has prohibited the following items from airplane cabins and carry-on baggage but may (with some exceptions) be carried only in checked baggage: 90005 90004 90050 Note: 90051 For more information, including a more detailed list of items that can only be in a checked bag, visit the checked bag only page for additional details.90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90019 Items allowed in your carry-on bags 90020 90004 There are a number of items that could be considered hazardous or dangerous that are actually allowed in the passenger cabin, including your carry-on baggage: 90005 90004 If you have any doubts or questions about your carry-on item, contact your airline for advice. 90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90019 Do not put these items in checked luggage 90020 90004 There are many other kinds of items that you should only have in your carry-on bag, or on your person, especially if it is hard to replace, very expensive, or necessary for your health and well being.Examples include: 90005 90004 For a more detailed list of items that should never be in a checked bag, visit the Things you should never put in a checked bag page. 90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90019 Restrictions on liquids, gels, and aerosols 90020 90004 Most countries have restricted what liquids and gels a passenger may have in the passenger cabin or in the secure area of the airport. In the US, containers holding liquid and gel products must have a capacity of no greater than 3.4 fluid ounces (100 ml). Also snow globes and similar liquid-filled decorations, no matter what size, can only be carried in checked luggage. 90005 90004 90050 Exceptions to liquid, gel and aerosol rules 90051 90056 There are a number of exceptions to the restrictions on liquids, gels, and aerosols. Most of those revolve around medical items and food items intended for small children. 90005 90023 90024 All over-the-counter and prescription medications, including insulin and diabetes medical supplies.90025 90024 Items needed for passengers with a disability or medical condition. 90025 90024 Items used to augment the body for medical or cosmetic reasons such as mastectomy products, prosthetic breasts, bras or shells containing gels, saline solution, or other liquids. 90025 90024 Food items like baby formula, breast milk, juice or water for a traveling infant small child. 90025 90024 Duty-free items purchased at the airport. 90025 90048 90004 Visit the Rules and exceptions for liquids for additional advice on liquids, gels, creams, and aerosols.90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90019 Flying with cash 90020 90004 There are two things you should consider when flying with cash or other financial instruments, loss of your cash and dealing with legal issues. There are some basic things that you can do minimize these two kinds of risks. 90005 90004 90050 Protecting your cash from loss 90051 90005 90023 90024 Never put cash or financial instruments in a checked bag. 90025 90024 Keep your cash out of sight as much as possible 90025 90024 When passing through security, keep your eyes on the bag with the cash.90025 90048 90004 90050 Legal issues with cash 90051 90005 90023 90024 There are no limits, or reporting requirements, when flying with cash on a US domestic flight. 90025 90024 When traveling to or from the US, you must declare cash or cash equivalents valued at more than $ 10,000. 90025 90024 Rules in other countries may be very different, so check before you fly 90025 90048 90004 Visit the How to fly with large amounts of cash page for more detailed information on flying with large amounts of cash or financial instruments, especially when flying to or from the US.90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90019 Rules for batteries 90020 90004 The FAA allows passengers to have in their carry-on bags most batteries commonly used in personal electronic devices. Batteries in checked luggage may have additional restrictions. Below is a brief overview of battery rules. 90005 90004 90050 Batteries allowed in carry on baggage 90051 90005 90023 90024 Common batteries such as AA, AAA, C, D, 9-volt, and button sized cells used in consumer electronic items including handheld games and hearing aids.90025 90024 Spare batteries for personal electronic devices. 90025 90024 Small lithium metal batteries commonly used in cell phones, handheld electronic games, and laptop computers. 90025 90048 90004 90050 Batteries allowed in checked baggage 90051 90005 90023 90024 Most batteries allowed in carry on baggage are also allowed in checked baggage. 90025 90024 Exceptions include spare (uninstalled) lithium batteries 90025 90024 Battery-powered devices should be protected from accidental activation.90025 90048 90004 90050 Wheelchair batteries 90051 90056 Any type of battery used to power a scooter or wheelchair is allowed. If you are packing a spare battery for a scooter or wheelchair, contact your airline to make sure that the battery is properly packed for travel. 90005 90004 Visit the following pages for more detailed information about batteries: 90056 General advice on flying with batteries 90056 Specific advice on flying with rechargeable batteries 90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90019 Flying with drones 90020 90004 When passengers fly with drones either in carry on or checked bags, they must follow both airline rules and FAA rules, especially the rules regarding rechargeable drone batteries: 90056 How to fly with a drone 90056 Flying with rechargeable drone batteries 90056 Drone FAQs 90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90019 Restrictions on duty free items 90020 90004 If your duty-free purchase of liquor, perfume, cosmetics, or any other item contains liquids, gels, or aerosols; and the container is larger than 100 ml (3.4 fluid ounces), you have to follow specific procedures to ensure that your items will not be confiscated. 90005 90004 Rules vary by country, but in general, one of the following will apply to you: 90005 90023 90024 If you can put it in a checked bag before passing through airport security, you do not have to take any precautions. 90025 90024 If you purchased the item after passing through security, and you are on the last leg of your trip, you can put the item in your carry-on bag. 90025 90024 If you purchased the item after passing through security, you are not on the last leg of your trip, and you have to pass through airport security before getting on your next flight (standard procedure if you are entering the US), you may have to place it into a checked bag prior to your next flight.90025 90048 90004 For additional details on dealing with the last situation, visit the duty free shopping advice page for details on how to fly with duty free liquids, aerosols, and gels. 90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90019 Additional airline restrictions 90020 90004 In addition to the restrictions of the TSA, your airline may also have restrictions on what is allowed on the airplane. If you are carrying an unusual item, or if you think that an airline may have a restriction, be sure to contact your airline ahead of time, or to contact a representative in the airport.Also, in the event that an airline loses your bags and finds them later, they may have limited luggage shipping options for getting your bags back to you, especially if you are traveling overseas. 90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90004 In this video from the Conversation at AirSafe.com, you will get an overview of what is allowed and not allowed either in carry on or checked baggage. You’ll also get advice on how to avoid the most common airport security hassles.90005 90004 90247 90248 90005 90004 Additional audio and video options. 90056 90252 Audio 90253: MP3 | 90252 Video 90253: YouTube 90005 90004 Click below for an overview of what is allowed and not allowed either in carry on or checked baggage. 90056 90252 Audio 90253: MP3 | 90252 Video 90253: YouTube 90005 90004 90050 Back to list of restrictions 90051 90005 90008 90002 Fear of flying and how to control it 90003 90004 Licensed therapist and former airline captain Tom Bunn of the SOAR fear of flying program explains the basic causes of fear of flying and how the SOAR program teaches people how to control their fear.90005 90004 90274 90248 90005 90004 90050 Get help NOW from the fear of flying experts at SOAR 90051 90005 90004 90050 AirSafe.com’s fear of flying resource guide 90051 90005 90004 Prohibited and restricted baggage items 90056 http://www.airsafe.com/danger.htm — Revised: 12 February 2018 90005 .